Gone are the days of peaceful BBQ-ing around a small fire pit or a nice little charcoal grill. Nowadays we strive to achieve the maximum possible level of cooking experience by designing our outdoor space like a fully functional outdoor kitchen. Outdoor appliances like fridge, oven and sinks cannot be missing.
At least, that is what the industry leads us to believe. They flood the market with BBQs that are big enough to roast a fully grown pig, and other gadgets that are beyond the imagination of the many of us. An example is the Kalamazoo K1000. With four primary gas burners it produces a ridiculous 120,000 BTUs. I guess that justifies the price of $10,000. Or the Fuego sleek Element. Even though it looks like some part of a rocketship, it is more simple in nature; it holds a propane tank in its cylindrical interior (“only” $399).
Isn’t BBQing supposed to be different than inside dining? Isn’t the simplicity a factor that gives grilling it’s unique appeal?
I really enjoy using my old charcoal Weber bowl. For me it represents the cozyness and charm of outdoor dining. Call me simple and old fashioned, but the meals taste excellent nevertheless!