Most Memorable Patio Experience Contest
Got any funny or exciting patio stories to share? Great wine or food that you enjoyed, a cool party that you and your friends still talk about, a funny encounter or joke somebody told on a patio?
We are looking for Canada’s best stories, whether you are in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal or any of the other great places in this country. Leave a comment to this post describing your most memorable patio experience or tell us what happened the last time you were actually on a patio. We will randomly draw a winner every month.You can participate in every draw, but may only submit one comment per month. The winners will receive a $500 gift certificate for outdoor furniture by Even though not a requirement for participation, we appreciate your tags and bookmarks!
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Good Luck!
I’m sure everyone has had this same experience. Your enjoying a great BBQ meal, your plate is full you go to set down in one of the canvas folding lawnchairs. Just get sat down and the canvas tears. Placing your knees at your chin and your butt on the patio. But you manage to save your plate of food. Or course, everyone is laughing, but you enjoy your meal and then try to get out of that chair…
My favourite patio story starts on Father’s Day June 2006. My future husband was out for drinks with friends in Toronto’s Distillery District when conversation turned to when he was going to ‘settle down and find a nice girl’. After a lot of banter back & forth, mutual friends of ours suggested he meet me.
On June 29th, 2006 we had our first (and blind) date on a patio in downtown Toronto. It was a perfect night! The weather was warm with a light breeze, chocolate martini’s and pints of beer were flowing and we talked endlessly, for hours. It was that night that a connection was made and the rest is, as they say, history!
We’re coming up on the 5th anniversary of our ‘meeting’, and, as it happens, we’re in the middle of putting in a new patio.
Patio’s have a special meaning to us and we look forward to many new memories to come.
We were enjoying a birthday party for our 5-year-old with about 10 kindergarten kids on the patio. His favourite food at that time was pancakes and syrup! Unfortunately, the wasps decided that they liked the syrup, too. The party finished up at the kitchen table after everyone made a beeline for the house!
My favourite patio story is the time I won a backyard patio BBQ in a contest. Having a live band and a great new BBQ grill made the perfect recipe for an impromptu family reunion that was long overdue.
I always enjoy our big family dinners on a patio. So much fun to be with the family and share stories while it is warm outside.
i was at a summer patio party. the house was beautiful and the patio was even more. i was sipping on wine when this guy knocked into me. spilling all my wine onto my new beige dress. yes, it was red wine. well, i was about to yell when he kissed me. we’ve been together since. 6 years and many happy glasses of red wine after!
My most memorable patio experience was when two friends got engaged over dinner. It was great to be there for the proposal and the celebration that followed.
The best I can do is we were eating outside and I put my plate down. A few seconds later, the dog had my dinner in his mouth.
Our best patio party was my father’s 50th surprise birthday party. Great food, great music and everyone had fun. The best part was that my father LOVE it! 10 years later he still talks about it
Years ago we had a family bbq / pool party. It was wonderful to get everyone together and enjoy seeing both adults and kids enjoying the pool on a hot July day. Just a memorable summer family event.
I have had some great patio parties. My co-workers did a Chinese auction one time. It was a hoot. The patio was “Vanna’s” show place.
Patios – the place where we hide to avoid the mosquitos, sandflies and wasps. But they continue to seek us out!
My dogs love the patio. When we go out there they know it’s fun time and time for some royal BBQ treats. I have been trying to teach them manners and my friends think I’m nuts, but the dogs are entertaining.
My bridal shower was held on the deck. That was a memorable occasion. It looked very pretty all ‘decked’ out with decorations.
When Grandpa worked on the patio, he told us various stories about other decks he made and how wood shrinks 1 inch per year. I almost think he was right. The spaces keep growing wider each year. But it’s the only one he made for me so it’s special, and we tell our friends his sage advice – don’t use slats.
the last time i sat on a patio i got sunburned!
My best patio experience is when we celebrated my oldest sister’s born day in July, you see her birthday is in december and we can never have a big group as it always has to be inside; that was until we decided July was a great time, decorations , great food, music, costumes and SUN and loads of family and friends to give well wishes
My best BarBQ party was a surprise party for my husband’s 40th birthday. We had out of town friends who came especially out for his party and he was truly surprised and grateful at seeing his faraway friends.
Last summer we had wasps building a nest. We destroyed threee times and over night they rebuilt. Then we hung up a brown paper bad and they left. No stings that time!
We took some great photos of our son on his wedding day in our back yard. The patio was in great shape that day and the flowers blooming!
One year I had some friends over for a sleep out and we decided on the deck rather than the tent. Had a BBQ and hiked in the coulee. Then our neighbor phoned over at 10 pm to complain of the noise – yet all we were doing was talking. Funny how noisy his deck got with his kids. Anyway, bummer night. We moved the party inside.
Our patio has a nice BBQ with a hook up to the house for gas. And an electric cooler to keep those drinks ciy cold. We are always ready to party!
I have a little fountain on mine. What I like best is the flowers that I grow to decorate the scene.
I remember when my brother fell through the patio. A piece had rottened out and his one leg went down. Since he didn’t get hurt,we laughed a lot about the look on his face and the things he said while asking for help up.
The most memorable patio experience was the building of the patio itself. It was a labour of love by my husband, our two grown sons and myself. My husband was awaiting a kidney transplant and loved to work on his good days. We managed to get it finished before his successful transplant and not long after,we had a big celebration on the patio to celebrate life!
My most exciting patio experience was on the patio at the dock’s nightclub back in the late 90’s. One weekend they held speedboat racing in the bay. There were something like 20,000 people who attended throughout the weekend.
My most exciting patio experience having dinner before the theatre and my two favourite Star Trek actors walked in and sat beside us…Q John de Lancie and the hologram doctor Robert Picardo. I could hardly finish my meal and wanted so badly to get their autographs and sadly, being the Canadian I am, I left them in peace to enjoy their dinner.
Sitting our on the Patio of the Boat House overlooking the Chippawa River enjoying Beer, Chicken Wings and Pizza. Meeting several people that I graduated school with over 30 days ago. Discussing old times and new times also. Its amazing we had no problem identifying each other.
This was a Blast.
The last time I was on a patio,it was a nice backyard party at the neighbour’s place.
I spent a nice time on a patio at a get together with my buddies from work over lunchtime.
My most memorable party was my husband’s 40th birthday. Friends from all over came to surprise him. Needless to say, we needed more lawn furniture.
I spent time on my patio hosting a BBQ with my friends.Lots of fun!
Congratulations to Kris on winning this month!
Thanks to all of you for participating with your great stories. Happy Canada Day!
I was on a patio at the beach having nachos with friends and a guy came over and sat at our table and said that he just had to come over and talk to me and so he said he would sit there until I was done my dinner. I said – NO WAY. My friends thought it was hilarious.
It was my husband’s 40th birthday party, Everyone brought their own lawnchairs and after a huge bar-b-q we sat in a circle around the fire, and roasted my husband.
My favorite patio experience was in Ecuador when the ambassador invited me to the Canada Day celebrations and I got to meet all the ambassadors from all the countries and being a Canadian made me a celebrity.
The last time I was on a patio (other than my own!) would have to be having a late afternoon lunch with friends at a local restaurant. Its hard to beat such a comfortable setting…how patios seem to take you away from the hustle and bustle and bring you to a more relaxing place wherever they’re located. You get some vitamin D from the sun, perhaps a little tan, fresh air, and then add great people and food/drinks…my last experience was and others similar will continue to be, happy ones!
My most memorable experience on my patio was having my husband’s 50th birthday party with all our great family and friend’s!
My most exciting time on our patio furniture was at my July 24th birthday in 2008. I received a card saying my gift would appear in 7 months. It was to be my first grandchild. I will always remember how I felt on that wonderful day.
My most memorable patio experience was in Mazatlan, Mexico watching the most incredible sunset. The view was stunning!!
I had a great patio experience when my son brought his new girlfriend over for a BBQ and we got to meet the girl that may one day be my daughter in law. It was bright summer afternoon and we were all relaxed, enjoying the outdoors on our random patio furniture.
This fall I hosted a BBQ,we sat on the patio with a heater and enjoyed a stary night,a few drinks,a great meal and the company of wonderful friends….last party of the year on the patio for sure!
my most memorable experience was sitting on the patio in France with my best girl enjoying a heineken
Having BBQ parties with my friends on weekends and holidays, good food, awesome music and atmosphere.