Most Memorable Patio Experience Contest
Got any funny or exciting patio stories to share? Great wine or food that you enjoyed, a cool party that you and your friends still talk about, a funny encounter or joke somebody told on a patio?
Leave a comment to this post describing your most memorable patio experience or tell us what happened the last time you were actually on a patio. We will randomly draw a winner every month.
You can participate in every draw, but may only submit one comment per month. The winners will receive a $500 gift certificate for outdoor furniture by Even though not a requirement for participation, we appreciate your likes, tags and bookmarks!
We will not share any emails nor use them for any marketing purposes, we simply ask for them so we can contact the winners. Your personal details will not be visible to other users.
By entering the contest you confirm to have read and agreed to the Contest Rules.
Good Luck!
Awesome contest, I want some patio furniture for my new deck I just built!!
My most memorable patio experience to date would have to be at my Grandfathers 75th birthday party at one of my old homes. Our house was filled head to toe with family and friends from all across Canada. Food, wine, beer, laughs and a fire made the whole evening event a memorable one! I had seen people that I haven’t seen in years and my Grandpa was so happy, especially because his favourite granddaughter was beside him the whole time. If only I could go back to that day..what a blast and probably one patio experience I will never forget.
My most memorable patio experience was my daughter’s first birthday party. We had all our family over, about 30 people. It was a beautiful warm June day. We had the barbeque going for a big lunch. My daughter took her first steps that day.
So few words, but so straight to the heart. Thanks for this great post!
My most memerable patio experience was last summer, it was a long weekend, and a friends birthday, so we went ot thier new house with our 13 month old son. Who on thier patio took his first independant steaps. Granted it was as terrifying as it was exhilerating as he was pretty close to the stairs.
My most memorable patio experience was at my birthday. We roasted a whole goat on a charcoal pit. It was delicious. We had a a great day partying in my backyard.
Hope you didn’t eat the whole thing on your own…
My most memorable patio experience was when I graduated University. My parents threw me a party and half my class was there. My deck had a ramp on it because the previous owner was in a wheelchair. One of my fellow graduates was standing on the ramp with a drink in his hand, not even alcoholic, when someone accidently bumped into him sending him through the wood railings right into a half-barrel planter filled with flowers on the patio tiles. Luckily he wasn’t hurt but my house was up for sale at the time as I was leaving the city for work so the same bunch of friends came back two days later to build new railings.
My most memorable patio experience happened by chance. My wife was working late and we were scheduled to see Great Big Sea at the Ottawa Bluesfest. For a plethora of reasons, we couldn’t get to the concert. As a back-up plan, I chilled a bottle of wine, ran to the local, Italian grocer and then went about whipping up the most eclectic and insane meal I have ever attempted.
The result: My wife came, showered, and joined me on the front deck for an evening of great, Italian inspired peasant food, good white wine, some fine microbrew and an evening of great music as we could hear the concert from our patio.
No parking hell, no line-ups, no finding a decent spot and guarding it all night, no craptastic festival food, and no stress. My wife enjoyed a great, starry evening filled with lovely conversation over great food and great drinks. To top the night off, friends of ours who went to the concert dropped by for the last set and enjoyed the impromptu evening on our patio.
My most memorable patio experience actually was away at a hotel in the Okanagan. We travelled there by car all 6 of us…the kiddies were small at the time so getting there was a bit of a challenge but we made it safe and sound. Our room at the hotel was excellent but the most pleasurable time we had was actually at the poolside. Eating at the patio outdoor restaurant was so much fun that we had all 3 meals there for our whole holiday stay. The weather co-operated so much that we actually spent most of the day and evening by the pool amd munching from the outdoor restaurant. The kids could get messy and I did not mind a bit cause back into the pool they went. Outdoor eating is so much fun, the fresh air, good company, great food and best of all “no cooking for mother”…oh did she enjoy this holiday. There is just something about eating outdoors, sitting under a patio umbrella and feeling like royalty for a change…something moms with 4 kids do not always get to for me this was the best holiday ever.
sitting with friends at the patio with the guy I really liked. I sat down and leaned back on a chair but I had forgotten that the back was broken so I did a complete flip and was very embarassed, I laughed it off and ended up getting my man
What sticks out in my mind is the time my friend came over for a few drinks. On her way to the bathroom she did not realize the patio door was closed and ran right into it with her glass of wine. I guess I did a good job washing the windows
Sounds like it could have been me! I usually take down the screens…
Mother’s day 2007. Myself and my sister took my mom out for a day of shopping, but she was not aware that during this time my dad and other family members were setting up her new patio set on her patio. When we got back everyhting was ready, the table, the chairs and even the food all set up on the table. It was a day to remember, we had so much fun as a family that day on our patio.
Most memorable patio moment at my childhood country home was when we had relatives from all over Ontario at our house celebrating, we eventually made a bond fire, at this point our very nosy and miserable neighbor came over to complain that the smoke was coming into her backyard, my cousin that was very intoxicated at the time told the not so nice neighbor that “everything is under control”! At this point everyone died laughing, she was so upset turned around and went home! Every time we all get together this story is mentioned with the same amount of laughter as that night!
I was at a cabin on a tiny island in Newfoundland & Labrador. I’d chosen to stay behind while my friends went early morning fishing. Alone, I started the morning with coffee on it’s small half constructed patio/deck. Soaking in the sun I thought about lone explorers etc. Eventually, – 1 hour tops – I started imagining what I’d do if they didn’t come back! No phone, no neighbours, no road nor path out. Unbelievably, a whale started cruising past the inlet where the cabin stood. It cruised back and forth several times. I was told later that he/she was probably feeding but at that moment, that was my whale friend who was there to keep me company! So, I pitched the coffee and cracked a beer to toast my new friend. “Like ya would b’y”
Wow, nice story! Wish I can see a whale some day.
My most memorable patio experience would be when we used to go over to my Mom & Dad’s house…they have both passed away now (both way before their time). We have 4 adult children (18-24) that grew up going over to Gramma & Grampa’s every weekend for a visit & diner. I would give back everything I own just to spend an afternoon on the deck at my Mom & Dad’s having a barbeque. My parents always tried to teach our children that family was the most important thing in life and our adult children are now figuring out this is so true. What I would give to spend an afternoon with my Mom & Dad!!!
Thank You,
I need to win the patio set so that I can enjoy my patio.
Last time i was on a patio was literally at least 5 yrs ago! Yikes! But it was with my boyfriend and we had a great time!
most memorable moment on the patio was our summer barbeque! lots of fun
I had one of the most embarrassing and dangerous moments of my life at the Old Mill patio, on the flagstones out back about ten years ago. The patio is sheltered behind the main bldg. I was working in the film business and the wind kept blowing our stuff over – there was a crowd of extras and the restaurant had stayed open and there were real diners in the second half of the patio. We had tied everything down but didnt realize the handrail was part of the set and was made to breakaway during the fight scene… the wind came up and everything that was tied down was suddenly loose and flying! It was embarrassing and the director and producer and key grip were all mad at me – but I was just thanking my lucky stars that nobody got hurt, that day.
I can’t help but remember last summer when I made a huge jug of red sangria and was hastily moving it to the yard when I stumbled on the sliding door track and managed to coat myself in it. Oh and the whole patio was watching. Classy as ever.
Last summer I hosted a “girls night out” patio party.We started out in the hot tub and eventually moved to the patio where we dined on the special BBQ meal that I had prepared along with lots of sipping on great wine. We played music and danced the night away. It was so much fun!
I love visiting our friends in a summer time, because it always means spending time on a patio with the great people a tasty food. And the best part is – watching the sunset. Can not wait for the summer again! And, hopefully with a little help of Velago :), we can get our own patio set up this year. Our brand new house doesn’t have one yet.
Once on an outdoor pub patio I saw a tipsy bearded guy catch fire sipping a flaming Sambuca
When I was first dating my husband he met up with me and my friends on an outdoor restaurant patio carrying a big bouquet of flowers for my birthday.
When I was growing up, my whole family would come over once a year and watch the Toronto Air Show. We would BBQ and just enjoy the company and the show.
Our most memorable patio experience came in the summer a few years ago when the power when out province wide. We were enjoying our patio and one by one our neighbors come over and by the end of the evening we had in excess of one hundred people over.
A memorable patio experience for me was a few years ago in August, relaxing on a lounger on my patio and watching the Perseid Meteor Shower…breathtaking
I enjoy my patio the most in the early morning with a cup of coffee. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. It’s so peaceful that time of day.
After living in our home for 27 years my husband surprised me when I arrived home from work with a patio.
my most memorable patio experience is also one of my most hilarious memories as well.we were all gathered one hot summers’s day at a good friends house,called together to lend our help building a new deck.we were almost finished,all admiring our workmanship-when the group’clown’ starts one of his attention-getting acts…when he goes to step back and grabbed at a railing that wasn’t yet in place-he went straight into the water and made everybody roar with laughter!
I was just on my patio today – barbecuing, even though there is still a lot of snow out there. Hey, its srping, right?
Some of my best memories just involve relaxing with family and friends — nothing in particular, just good company and laughter. Our son is now a year and a half (no longer a baby!), and I hope to be able to spend many, many years spending time on our patio with him… getting to know him.
It was summer of 2009 when I was sitting outside on a Patio outisde Filthy McNasty’s on Yonge and Eglinton with my wife talking about our upcoming vacation to Egypt. It was memorable that we were planning a trip to Egypt, a long awaited trip and having drinks that we didn’t know she was pregnant. This was her last drinks because the next day she woke up and found out that she was pregnant.
Every year for the past 35 years we have a patio party for our friends. Its a great way to stay in touch!
My most memorable patio experience happened at a friends place. We were all chilling enjoying drinks and the hot tub. One girl had recently become engaged and was thrilled to show off the ring.
Well, having yet to be sized, and the water from the hot tub made for a slippery experience, and off the ring flew, right down the cracks of the deck!
So after a frantic time of ripping off boards and searching the ring was found.
(FYI, she went to the jewelers the next day to have it sized!)
We had a huge outdoor celebration for my in-laws 60th wedding anniversary. It was the last family get together before my father-law succumbed to cancer.
I love patios so much – that when I purchased my new place – I made sure that my patio was bigger than both my bedroom and my living room
My most memorable patio experience was three years ago when we had a few friends over for a BBQ, drinks and little did we know that would be the last time we would see one of those friends. Our friend past away at the end of the summer. I recently came across the photos and it was nice to remember the good times!
My most memorable patio experience was sharing a pitcher of long island iced tea with friends and family on a beautiful sunny day.
We had just purchased a cottage and the existing patio was very uneven, so I and my two boys who were 14 & 11 then, went to work to lift the patio stones and even everything out. Trying to get the kids involved, I had them with my supervision, get the spade shovel into the edge of the patio stone and the two of them lifted the first stone up on the one side with my subtle warnings of watch your hands, watch your toes. Next moment the patio stone was dropped to the ground and the two boys were at a full run to the front of the cottage. Knowing they weren’t hurt and whatever frightened them was under the patio stone, I lifted it up to discover half a dozen water snakes who had made the soft sand under the patio their home.
The boys took and still take a lot of heckling about that.
My most memorable patio experience was when it was my moms surprise birthday party. it was a warm summer day and everyone was out on the patio to surprise her when she cam home!
The most FUNNY Patio experience was when one of my boyfriends broke the patio chair and he fell flat on his butt! Funnier yet he fell right into our Dog’s large water bowl…LOL
Most memorable patio story would have to be my own from last summer. We have an annual luau party in the backyard and always turns out to be alot of fun. Last year got off to a rough start. We had the house clean and the backyard all decked out with tons of hawaiian decorations. Everything was perfect except the weather. It Rained and RAINED and rained. I quickly got out a blue tarp to cover the backyard. Mother nature wasn’t about to put a wrench in my plans. I tied up the tarp to cover the backyard and we could party under it. I watched and waited for friends to show. DING DONG guests started arriving. I led everyone in through the house to the backyard. What I saw next was nothing short of a nightmare. The rain pooled in the centre of the tarp and the weight pulled everything off the deck right into the centre of yard. The Arbor it was tied to simply cracked in half and was on the ground. Big huge plants i had been growing that year snapped in half and smashed all over the place Everything soaked. I was embarrassed. What happened next made the party the best one we have ever had. All our friends helped pick up the pieces and helped me assemble the yard back to its original state. Tarp up. Arbor nailed back together and party on. All this while pouring rain. My guests got soaked while attempting to recreate what i had put together. It was almost back to how it was in the beginning the rains cleared the sun came out and everyone was covered in mud as the party under the tarp turned into a mud pit. We set up 2 buckets at the door with water so as to keep the house becoming a mudpit. Everyone had a fabulous time and to this day we still laugh about it all.
Thanks for the chance.
We were all sitting on the patio when my cousins 2 year old boy decided to “go to the bathroom” right in front of everybody, without his diaper–and,it was 30 years ago, and caught on 1 of the first home video cameras! we still laugh about it today!
My grandchildren stay overnight on Fridays. They are great fun and some of my best memories on my patio are with them on Saturday mornings. I have a water table that they like to splash in as well as a little pool for really hot weather. We have hours of fun with sidewalk chalk no matter the time of year. They also like to water all the plants. Weeds included. It is a great way to enjoy the sunshine and have fun with the kids.I could really use some new furniture to enjoy the summer. They just left today and I am enjoying a leisurely cup of coffee outside reflecting on our chalk pictures from this morning and thinking of all the fun times to come this summer.
a barbecue with friends!
The summer patio experience is one of my many favourite things about summer. Add good friends, and food and you have a winning combination for great stories and memories. My most memorable patio experience was when two close friends announced their engagement over dinner.
I was going to write about the evening patio party where my ex girlfriend chose the worst flammable formal dress to wear where she got too close to the BBQ and set her dress on fire, but I am almost certain the most memorable is yet to come. This year, I’ll be flying out west to celebrate my parents 65th wedding anniversary. There are a lot of festivities planned with family flying in for a back yard summer celebration to remember. I’m blessed to have an 85 and 88 year old mom and dad who are still vital and a part of my life!
My most memorable patio experience was last year as I returned from a 5 day horse expedition, my whole family was seated around our outdoor table, my husband had cooked and we all celebrated my joyous, safe return.
We have a fishpond behind the patio and a garden. The noise of the waterfall and the plant cover often makes it difficult to see and hear what is happening in the rest of the garden. During a rather raucous cookout with my grandsons, I glanced up in time to see a great blue heron fishing in my pond not 8 feet from where we were sitting, dangling one of my prized koi from his beak. I jumped up overturned my dinner and chased the heron, closely followed by my grandsons, my husband and the family dog. I forgot about the nearby pool and ended up soaking wet, mad and getting splashed by the dogpaddling Golden Retreiver who thought this was the greatest swim break ever.
I was invited to a garden party. Unfortunately, I was offered and sat on a chair that was slanting. Politely I stabilized myself on this slanting chair as not to offend my host.
My most memorable patio experience was just last year when we were celebrating my son’s promotion, not only was all my family there but the prime rib roast on the BBQ was so incredible, what more could anyone want great family and friends and awesome food to share.
My most memorable patio experience was an encounter which happened on a very hot sunny afternoon. I was sitting on the deck reading. I had a hat nearby and was just reading for it when I looked down and out of the corner of my eye saw what I thought was the handle of an umbrella in the glare of the sun. I remember wondering who on earth would put an umbrella on the deck as my hand almost touched it. It moved and I screamed so loudly the snake who was sun bathing made a very fast getaway.
Memorable moments abounded on our patio as our children were growing up because that’s where we had all their birthday parties with their friends and our families!
The day we built our deck on at our first home! The rain cleared as the last screw was in place followed by a great BBQ with family!
My most memorable patio experience was my Mum’s 65th birthday celebration, with lots of family and friends. My mum and my aunt dressed up as Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton and sang, it was hilarious.
I hope summer comes so I can use this patio furniture
just remember during the big black out about 5 or so years back, hanging out in the backyard patio, cooking all the food in the fridge that might go bad on the bbq and having a feast with my gramps, then chilling with friends playing acoutstic guitar and drinking some beers…good times..
We haven’t been on our patio for 2 years. We spent all summer laying interlock brick and now this year we are ready to enjoy it.
My best patio experience is yet to come. This summer we plan to use our new patio and BBQ to entertain all of our friends.
Quiet evenings with my friends enjoying the weather.
Our most memorable (yes, most memorable) was 2 years back whilst our family and friends were all outside having a BBQ on our patio. Out of nowhere blew in a fast windy storm. We managed to grab all the food, drinks, condiments and people. However, we left the umbrella up in our haste to get inside. Well, wouldn’t you know it, 5 mins later crash, the umbrella shattered the glass table…! Remember to put down the umbrella in a storm…lol…!
although it wasn’t an experience in the backyard – most memorable patio experience was sitting on a patio downtown Toronto on Queenstreet and low and behold in walks Toronto FC team…quite the party.
Last summer my parents were over for a family bbq. My parents and four kids were all seated when my husband asked my dad what he would like to drink. Before my dad could answer, my three year old son Curtis replied, “I’ll take a brewski.” My parents are pretty conservative but at that said moment they both broke out in laughter. Curtis settled for a milk and my dad scored the beer.
Patios usually mean summer and summer usually means lots of summer drinks. Need I say more?
One summer my mom was touring a friend through her garden. My standoffish cat, “Princess,” was sitting on some patio furniture, snootily observing. My mom’s friend stopped to speak to Princess. I guess she got too close for my cat’s liking, because all of a sudden Princess arched her back and hissed. Then, quick as a flash, she raised her front paw and slapped my mom’s friend’s glasses right off her face! It was embarrassing at the time, but was pretty funny after the fact.
During the summers, we used to make our own shaved ice desserts on the patio, in full view of the neighborhood kids playing on the street. We would always invite the kids to stop by, & soon our house was filled with people, all relaxing to the sounds of summer.
My most memorable moment on my patio will be in about 2 months when my patio is finished. It will include a sofa seating from Velago and will overlook a private garden with a water falls. I can’T wait
I love having breakfast on the patio with my great granddaughter on a sunny Saturaday morning!
My most memorable moment on my patio is having my friends over in the summer relaxing under the sun and cooking some burgers on the BBQ having a cold one.
Great times with great friends
The last time I was on a patio I had way too much to drink and slept on a really comfy chaise lounge til the sun came up…it was awesome!!
When I was only 10 my family held an 18th birthday party for my brother. We had a fancy meal of filet mignon and all the fixings including caviar. Everything was perfect…but one of my brothers friends suggested I wet my hand and give my brothers best friend a “friendly” slap on the back. Well I did it and he leaped up in the air with a howl and then the chase was on. We ended up spilling some of the fancy meal as we raced over the patio… and I got grounded to my room for an hour while everyone else ate the meal.
We have a back yard with a playset and no furniture to sit on to watch the kids. What a great win this will be.
My most memorable patio experience was during a flood we had last year. I was standing on the patio surveying the water rising closer and closer to the house. Then I looked closely and saw something swimming near some newly planed shrubs. It was a beaver who was making his home on our lawn.
On my 5oth birthday We had a wine tasting party on our deck, with friends & family. My two sons we the MC’s and score keepers. It was great fun!
My most memorable memory of patio furniture would be one time when my Family was moving we packed up all our very inexpensive white resin patio furniture on the back of our pick up and tied it down with some rope so we thought. We had a couple of hours drive on the highway to get to our new place and when we got their and started unloaded we realized we lost a couple of pieces that must have blown off the truck on the way. The furniture was pretty rough looking to begin with so was not too much of a loss.We still have not purchased a great set till this day so a $500 GC would be awesome.
Pick me, pick me. Your next winner!!! Show me the money! . It would be a dream come true and means a lot more to me than anyone else to win the prize. Starving artist here desperately needs $500 in Patio Furniture so I don’t have to sit on card box.
my most memeorable patio moment was getting married on my parents patio at the house they owned on a beautiful lake , hard one to forget
That’s a wedding Canada style, I would say! Very nice.
my best patio memories are from my childhood at my grandparents cottage in northern manitoba. there was always a big family gathering with lots of kids, lots of food, lots of laughs and most of all lots of love and memories in the making!!
My most memorable patio experience was when the deck of my new place collapsed with me on it. It seemed to take forever. Luckily no one was hurt, but I’ll never forget it.
My most memorable patio experience happened last year. I had grown a huge blackberry bush just at the edge of the patio. One evening I was relaxing and anticipating picking the berries as soon as more had ripened when a chubby little raccoon poked his head out of the bushes. He had settled down eating my berries. I threw my newspaper at him which he ignored. I yelled which he ignored. In desperation I turned the radio to a CBC talk show and raised the volume to the limit. It worked and he lumbered off with a full belly.
Man, they mess up my vegetable crop every year! Good to have the secret weapon now; CBC radio talk show. Thanks for the hint!
Living in the country is always full surprises. Last summer as my Husband and I sat on our patio swing enjoying a late evening glass of wine, we had a uninvited visitor show up. We had left the patio door to our sunroom slightly open for Clarence our cat to go in. As we sat there a skunk happen to come around the corner and waddle right into the sun room. Needlesly to say we did not move and inch and sat there for 10 minutes and waited and waited for stinky to come back out. Finally he came out and away he went….and boy oh boy did we run for the door. We made it in safely with wine in tow. Once inside…..there was Clarence sleeping soundly in the sunroom on his favorite chair.
I proposed to my wife on a patio at the Deerhurst Resort in Muskoka, ON. It was a beautiful fall day, and it was just the perfect backdrop for such a big event to take place. I even had room for Mariachi band. What a day it was!
I would love some patio furniture for my trailer at the lake.
I have so many great patio memories that it is hard to pick just one! One of my fondest memories is of a summer we spent almost every night barbecuing and hanging out on the patio. Every night out friends Bob an Chimp would sit on our neighbour’s roof and watch us looking like they wanted nothing more than to come over and join the fun–they were baby raccoons. Finally one night when almost everyone had gone we came out to find
Chimo sitting on the deck dipping a leftover hamburger bun into a glass of beer and then eating it! What to do? Well, we sat down and joined him!
Share another story in next month’s draw! Cute one right here.
I would love some new furniture to give to my son for his home.
Our brand new deck that we built last year is pretty bare. This would be a great prize for us.
We live on a street where you do not access to your backyards from the house. Many of us have built patios in the front of the house. We are able to sit out on our patios and watch the kids run back and forth between the houses while the adults sit back and relax over a nice bottle of wine…ok,maybe a few bottles of nice wine and no one has to drive!
My most memorable patio moment was when I accidentally served “made for cooking” oysters raw to my fiance’s aunt. They were the size of tennis balls and tasted like gym socks (or at least what I would imagine them to taste like). She felt rude not eating them but then after we all found out they were only to be used cooked, she spit them all out on the patio! Now everytime she sees me, she calls me oyster girl!
my best patio experience was in Kingston ont, my friend had a visitor from England, we took down Canadian hats, Beer mugs, Whatever Canadian looking things we could find, this English guy was a hoot, telling us English slang words, had us laughing all night, we wore the hats and stuff all night, took lots of pictures and it was the best night ever on the patio
My most memorable experince on our deck was a private celebration my husband and I had to honour our 24th wedding anniversary. A romantic evening filled with fine food, wine, champagne which memories to last a lifetime!
2 years ago we had a terrible summer storm that seemed to come out of nowhere. We had a 10X10 gazebo bolted to our wooden deck. The wind (possible tornado) took the whole top off and twisted the metal frame down to the ground. Our heavy barbeque landed in the neighbors yard.It was both scary and amazing how much damage the wind can do!
We have a tiny patio. I love to watch the building of a community swimming pool from my patio. I look forward to it in great anticipation.
My brother accidentally left the BBQ on, and almost burnt down the house.
My best patio experience was with a group of co-workers that no longer work with our company. Just sharing the excitement of their new jobs, the pressure they no longer felt…. was a great night. Great food at the restaurant and great drinks!
Last summer, my dad finally came home after a serious heart attack from which none of us expected he would recover. The whole family got together, even the dogs. It was a magical afternoon of happy stories, great food and wine and beer. A perfect outdoor afternoon on my parents’ patio…
My most memorable patio experience was when our BBQ caught fire !
My most memorable patio experience was helping a friend build and decorate their deck.It was lots of work but looked great afterwards!
I most memorable patio moment was on a patio in Jamaica. We had not been on a vacation for a number of years and the air and scenery was breath-taking.
Do you remember which patio it was? Not Rick’s Cafe, right?
My best patio story happened when I was in college and one weekend decided to throw a party on my back patio. The theme was a luau so I had the barbecue up and running and was busy most of the night cooking shish kebabs on it, wearing a grass skirt at the same time..Bad combination! My skirt caught fire at one point and I was running around freaking out until my roommate grabbed the punch bowl and threw the entire pinneaple/rum punch all over me. It did the trick. Everyone at the party thought it was hilarious (eventually I came to laugh about it too..years later!)The host with the most..cough.
I remember my husband and I standing under an umbrella on our patio in a huge downpour on a warm summer evening drinking a cold beer.
My favourite patio experience was when a sparrow built a nest on top of my deck and my kids and I watched from our outdoor couch the sparrow become a proud mother and feed her kids. That summer passed and the sparrows left the nest. It made me nostalgic and I hope that my kids don’t grow up too fast.
My most memorable time on a patio was when we were in the Dominican and we sat outside enjoying the heat and looking at the ocean while drinking cold beer.
Sitting with my friend and enjoying the summer with a nice drink in hand. Huge gust of wind grabbed the patio umbrella and it flew across the street. Everyone took cover as it looked like a lethal weapon. We sure had a good laugh.
I remember a long time ago being in a patio with the weather being nice and warm. Please summer come back soon.
While back when… But wait, it’s warming up, it’s warming up now!!
Most memorable was spending an evening on JT’s patio down in Port Stanley…enjoying a Sangaria while watching the sunset and water swooshing up on the beach.
Being in Mexico on a patio overlooking the ocean, it was great!
As much as a memorable vaction is, there is nothing like sitting on fabulous Patio Furniture in your own backyard sipping on a glass of wine and enjoying the comfort and looks!
My husband and I were sitting in our dining room at suppertime, looking out the window and admiring our patio set, the deck,and the pool area.It had been very windy the night before; we noticed the umbrella had blown over. My husband commented on it, saying he would go outside and put down the umbrella before putting it back in the table. Out he went, and then I heard a tap, tap, on the window. I looked out and saw my husband pointing downward. Our beautiful smoke coloured, tempered table top had SHATTERED into a million shards, all crumpled onto the stone patio. All that was left standing was the frame of the table. And we hadn’t even noticed!! We both burst into laughter!
My most memorable patio moment was when my Husband and I were on our honeymoon in Playa Del Carmen!! This was our first big trip together!! It was such a beautiful, and amazing trip!!
I remember warm summer nights and sleeping under the stars on our patio.
My most memorable patio experience was when my sister was visiting from out of town and we were all sitting around chatting when all of a sudden we see a mother skunk casually walking across the yard followed by 3 little ones who were followed by the dad skunk – a hush fell as the family passed – first we were amazed and second we didn’t want to disturb them and pay the price : )
Best patio experience was a lazy sunday in the summertime – enjoying good food, beers, family & friends in the small town where I am from. Perfect day!
My most memorable patio moment was when we were in Los Cabos with my kids and they were putting on a great show for us, dancing and singing their little hearts out : )
My most memorable experience was a miny tornado. As we all sat around enjoying our meal in the gorgeous Kootenay area a sudden wind turned our wonderful meal into a nightmare. The miny whirlwind picked up our table, dishes, food and umbrella. The table moved only a little way, spilling everything, but our umbrella was carried up into the air and was finally deposited, demolished some distance away.
I love sitting on patios while on vacation. Right now though i just bought a new place and am in need of patio furniture!
My most memorable patio moment was when i first met my husband at a patio in Mexico.
Love to sit outside as I am not well but love the fresh summer air
My most memorable patio experience was with my husband on our anniversary last year. We ordered take out Chinese food and opened a bottle of our favourite wine – it was an awesome way to celebrate our special day and to enjoy our short summer.
My most memorable moment was at a family bbq, sitting and holding my newborn grandson. While he was cradled in my arms, watching him sleep while we were shaded underneath the umbrella, listening to his little cousins running and playing, I thought: “life does not get any better than this” as I kissed his sweet forehead.
Last time I was on a patio was last Summer just before the leaves started to change. We had friends over and had a wonderful BBQ Steak dinner with all the fixings.
My most memorable patio moment are birthday pparties on my friend’s patio – summertime and friendship, nothing beats that combination.
When I got drunk with all my friends and I barfed all over the neighbours deck. Good times!
the madison avenue pub in toronto. none more is needed to be said.
any patio in downtown Whistler BC
My friends and I always have great times and great food when we have get togethers on my patio!
My mom has the best patio parties. Every summer she has a least one lobster feed out there and it’s a great time with family and awesome food.
My dad always sleeps outside on our old patio bench during the summer seasons.
My most memorable patio experience would have to be last summer when My friend Cherie was over. We were having a few cool drinks on my patio swing that folded into a day bed. I went to sit on the swing and I went right threw the swing onto the deck. That was the most funniest moment ever.
My most memorable patio experience was on my honeymoon in Sicily. We rented the top floor of a villa and have a completely private patio with a view of the ocean and Mount Etna. Breathtaking!
We had a late night shrimp and morrocan chicken kebab BBQ on our own deck and patio with friends last summer. We outlasted the mosquitoes and ended the evening around a pit fire. We shared tons of laughter and stories and hope to do it again this year.
We always have a great time fire pit, roasted weiners and marshmallows.biggest problem is a couple of my chairs got burnt from sparks so need new furniture. My friends would appreciate new chairs to sit on.
parties on my patio
I once sat on a patio that was OUTSIDE the building… scared the hell out of me but was fun
My most memorable patio party was of my Dad the year he passed. We were all sitting around our much delapitated patio set when a small bird landed near my Dads chair. We were all commenting on how cute and tiny it was when a red tailed hawk flew down out of no where and scooped it up in it’s talons!! My Dad went flying off his chair…it startled him so! The rest of us saw the look on his face and burst out laughing! We still do get a chuckle out of it when we reminise.
At my grandparents growing up. I remember so many times basking in the sunshine, listening to their stories of the “old days’ and drinking “FRESHIE”( do not know how this is spelled) and home made cookies, I loved the chocolate chips in the sun, all gooey. I also remember being out there in the rain with my grandma, yelling and laughing while sitting under the old patio umbrella in the rain. We watched the lightning at night and during the day, we laughed at how silly we were being, my grandfather yelling disapprovingly, that we were going to catch ” a death of a cold”. So miss those times!
There are a couple of rooftop restaurants in the village of Yorkville in downtown Toronto. During a business trip my co-workers and I relaxed on the rooftop patio one evening enjoying the stars and conversation. It was over 10 years ago yet it still seems like yesterday.
my patio
My most memorable patio experience is when my family was clebrating my inlaws 50th wedding was late and we were all dancing to old Canadian hits.So many people were on the patio that it actually broke and we had some slpe action happening..didnt stop us from dancing!
The last time I was on a patio I was with a friend minding our own business talking about life and enjoying a bottle of wine! Very classy stuff…Across the patio there happened to be a rugby team and a few of the players I had gone to high school with! A tradition back then was to drink a beer out of a boot or shoe! It’s called shoot a boot……After saying hello to the old friends a old chant started trying to get me to shoot the boot…….A gross beer later the whole patio was cheering and my friend was left in shock! The wine was no longer sufficient….needless to say we forgot about the wine and joined the old friends for a pint!
I have the best time in the summer on the patio in my mom’s backyard by her pool with my 4 year old, his baby sister and they’re cousins! So fun to watch kids in the pool.
Nothing bets spending time on the patio with friends relaxing from the work week!
One year we were at our friends that have a pool just off the patio and the guys were sitting on the railing and had a few too many drinks, they were carrying on until the railing broke and 6 guys landed in the pool…no one seriously hurt just a few egos
18 years ago, a beautiful summer sunny hot day, I was sitting on my own patio enjoying the ambience of my lovely yard festive with blooming flowers and the greenery of the trees. The next day was to be mother’s day and I sent a request to the ‘powers that be’..that all I wished for more than anything in the world for this special day was to find my daughter that I had given up many years ago when life was hard and I was so young and how I could not keep her and adopted her out to have a better life in spite of me! Well that next day I received a call, that the parent finders of canada had indeed contacted her! She was eager to me and after we talked on the phone for a few hours we planned a meeting! It was a tearful, happy reunion and the loving relationship continues and yes..we now both sit on my patio during the summer months, chatting, catching up on our lives and enjoying each other’s company! That was my special ‘patio memory’.;-
My mom, husband & I were watching the airshow from a patio at Ontario Place last year. While my husband was away from our table we placed an order for a large pitcher of an alcoholic fruity mixed drink for the three of us. When my hubby came back to the table he brought with him a second pitcher of fruity drinks…& a beer for himself!
Needless to say my mom & I don’t remember much of the airshow that year!
Love to sit on the patio at the Fox and the fiddle in Toronto and watch people
When I get the three ft of snow off my patio I will start using it.
Any afternoon spent on my patio with a good book and a cold beer is a cherished moment for me.
My best patio experiences have been at the (former) Docks now Sound Academy on Toronto’s harbour. Great place to spend an summer afternoon looking at the skyline, water boats and pool.
The last time I recall being on a patio was with my husband and two good friends, before we had two kids… It’s been a while. Could use some patio furniture at home.
My most memorable experience was watching the flood waters come up almost to our patio. I could look out and see a beaver swimming among my shrubs.
The afternoon when my puppies fell fast asleep in the middle of my patio and were all huddled together was one of the cutest moments I have seen.
I hosted a patio party last summer that was so nice.I invited all my friends and we spent a wonderful evening chatting,eating great food( which I prepared)sipping wine and later when it got dark we turned on the music and danced!Such a great time and lots of memories from that evening!
I would love to win this patio set for my son at his new apartment.
One of my funniest experiences on my patio was an encounter with a raccoon last summer. This chubby raccoon decided he had more of a right to be there than I had and it took quite a bit of convincing for him to leave. I wonder if he will come back this year.
We’ve spent many memorable times sitting on our backyard patio at our old cedar picnic table and enjoying hot dogs and pop with the grandkids talking and bringing up “remember whens”!
Had a patio party at my granddaughter’s where we entertained relatives from Nova Scotia.
Had a patio party at my granddaughter’s where we entertained relatives from Nova Scotia. Played a game that is popular down East,
We love to sit on our patio in the evenings and watch the birds take a bath in our pond. They perch in the tree overhanging the pond then move closer to the bench beside the pond then wait for their turn. We get all kinds of birds at bath time…crows, sparrows and even little yellow finches!
I remember my parents taking the cushion off the patio sets and letting us “camp” out on our patio. We never lasted the night.
I discovered this place with summer patio furniture
two years ago and I fell in love with…….
Le Jardin Nelson offers a relaxing oasis in the hot summer atmosphere and that in the heart of historic Old Montreal.
Come enjoy the pleasures of the table, good food, the sangria for every taste and refreshing cocktails. Whether you choose our front terrace in the heart of the Place Jacques-Cartier to observe the work of artists and acrobats or our fabulous courtyard design, you’ll find everything you need to make your time with us unforgettable.
In summer, our garden is adorned with all the colors for you. Trees and plants live there that we find are in one word beautiful. Everything is highlighted at night by dramatic lighting.
At the heart of our garden, a fountain borders our music scene. On this stage, Le Jardin Nelson offers a menu pop jazz, from early May to Action With this and every day, from noon till night.
I remember house sitting one glorious sunny day and sitting out on the patio seaside with
Grady; the owners Portuguese water dog. Suddenly a perfect little hummingbird flew into one of the glass panels surrounding the deck and collapsed at my feet.
I gently picked up the tiny bird and could feel it’s heart beating furiously inside my closed fist. I place the little creature on the wooden railing and held my breath.
Within a few seconds just as the wind picked up the hummingbird began to beat its wings again and flew away. It was a magical moment and one I will not soon forget.
With the terrible weather we’ve had this fall and winter, the last time we could actually use our patio was last summer, and we’re hoping for new patio furniture to enjoy!
Last summer we held a fun backyard patio BBQ for relatives visiting from Calgary.
My favorite experience is sitting on the patio on a clear evening and watching the stars. It is so peaceful to try to pick out the stars and constellations.
Probably my daughters first birthday party where we partied till late. She is turning eight next week. We really would love some new patio furniture! It’s been too long!
My last patio experience was in West Hollywood. It was a very hipster scene but I was loving life in Cali!!
Patio furniture would be a great win for me as we love to sit in the sun and do not have patio furniture at all.
Enjoying the warm sunshine, spending quality time with my incredible, hard working husband.
The last time I enjoyed lounging on a patio recliner was on a family trip to Mazatlan, Mexico 2 years ago. There’s nothing better than relaxing by the pool on a warm summer day in a tropical paradise! (with a cool drink in hand of course). Heaven:-)
I started to use my patio to entertain friends in summertime! It’s great and I could really spice up my patio now more than ever!
Before we had kids, we used to to host little parties in our front screened-in porch. Not quite enough room for a big set of patio furniture but since then we’ve built a deck anyway.
My favorite patio experience is the chance to relax in the outdoors when I visit my parent’s home. It is wonderful to listen to the birds and forget about the city sounds for a few days.
The last “memorable” Patio experience I had was last year at a friends wedding celebration. The party was held at the couples home and it was a really nice and “elaborate” affair. Good food, good music and fantastic guests. My wife and I decided we would enjoy the lavishness of the beautiful Patio, which was covered with rose petals. With the music playing inside and the sounds of it drifting onto patio we started to dance. My wife must have gotten a bit carried away with her part of the dance because she suddenly fell through the flooring!! I was thrown for a loop seeing her struggling and squealing as I tried to help her out of the situation she was in I was “FLOORED”, literally to find myself in a similuar situation, up to my thigh and trying frantically to pull myself up while trying to hold onto my wife at the same time, there we were, swinging like monkeys in a tree! We finally had help to free us from that carnivorous Patio, but my pants were ruined and as for my wife, well lets just say she no longer dances on patios!
Just sitting out with friends after a bbq relaxing.
My favourite patio experience happened about five years ago. It was a warm summer evening and we were all at my grandfathers farm. We were sitting on the veranda as a family and listening to my grandfather tell us stories about his youth. He had ben born at the farm and had grown to there. It was nice to see the joy in his face that he had the opportunity to be able to share some treasured memories with his family. It was sure amazing hearing everything that he had gone through and how much things have now changed. After that day the farm had a whole new meaning to it and it now always gives me a warm fuzzy feeling when I think of that day. I was so happy that me and my husband were able to make it to the farm that day and i hope that one day I am able to share amazing life experiences with my family.
The summer patio experience is one of my many favorite things about summer. Add good friends, and food and you have a winning combination for great stories and memories. My most memorable patio experience was when two close friends announced their engagement over dinner.
doing fingerpaints and other crafts with our granddaughter at the table on the deck in the summer is full of great memories for me!!
We recently spent several days in Las Vegas and while there got to attend a very up scale night club that had a open air patio. I loved the decor, lots of tiny white lights, very comfy seating, and plenty of food and drinks being served. Great music and live entertainment too.
Turtle Bay Pub in Winfield, BC has a great view of Okanagan Lake. The burgers are huge and a nice end to a day of boating.
Congratulations to Katherine for winning this one!
We BBQ year round on our deck (we don’t have a patio) our grandkids love to eat Grandad’s hamburgers and we love to have them here!
I really need some new stuff for my recently flooded cottage
Our family loves to grill year round. We set up tents in our backyard after eating for a group on 11 year old boys to camp overnight then sat on the patio and talked. As soon as the sun went down they starting hearing every noise we made and noises from nearby woods and camping was over.They came running to us scared to death.
I love to watch sunset on a patio, but wish we had our own patio…
Every year we go to the cottage and have a big family dinner…lots of good food, laughs and good times on the patio at the the end of a day on the beach.
Laugh and laugh when a huge gust of wind grabbed the patio umbrella and sent it down the street.
Watching the humming birds with my Grandfather when I was a little girl. He always made sure to have the humming bird feeder full of Nectar so we would see a lot of colorful humming birds. We would socialize and eat cookies
How I sure do miss him!! Wonderful memories I will always cherish!
We love outside and entertaining on our patio is a must. No funny stories but lots of relaxing and enjoying the great Canadian summers.
Watching our dog drop his ball into the pond thinking it will magically bounce back up.
Having a pitcher of mojitos with my girlfriends is the perfect way to spend time on my patio.
Just spending quality time with the whole family having dinner on our patio on a nice hot summer day is memorable.
To me, the most memorable patio moment is the first time I fire up the BBQ for the season !
My most memorable experience was watching our back yard flood while standing on our patio. A beaver came to swim in my plants, perhaps looking for a new home. What a experience!
I enjoy relaxing on the patio and watching the animals visit our backyard. I have seen squirrels, rabbits, deer and raccoons and it is always endlessly fascinating.
Sitting outside with the family, having a bbq and a few drinks, just love being outside on the deck
Sitting at Alexander’s Pub overlooking Kal Lake and catching up with an old acquaintance who had been travelling the world for the past 2 years. Great to connect again
Having a wine tasting party for friends & family, hosted by my two sons, on our backyard deck on my 50th birthday! It was a glorious July day.
Wind storm came up and tipped the glass topped patio table. It shattered into a million small pieces (most of them in the lawn) I was picking up the pieces for days
I have the family get together every year at the cottage and we all have a great time on the patio. This year our daughter announced she is giving us another grandchid!
The last time I was on my patio, I watered my flowers!
This past weekend we spent the day painting our fence in the backyard. We had a good time laughing as we had more paint on ourselves than the fence.
Sitting at a patio with my friend at a pub outside enjoying a summer beverage. Sudden gust of wind grabs the patio umbrella and sends it flying down the street. Laughed until we cried.
Great family moments are spent on the patio with a great bbq and watching the children play in the pool, what happens is eventually all the adults end up soaking wet from the children!! lol
The last time I was on my patio was to paint my desk chairs. Hopefully they will be done by fall.
Turle bay patio on Wood Lake in the Okanagan celebratinmg my brother’s birthday. My gift to him was a flight out to celebrate, very memorable.
Loved the compact little deck on my last house. Unfortunately its sold!
Entertaining our friends is always memorable.
Reading and sipping wine on the patio is my favourite
The last time I was on a patio the mosquitoes were so bothersome that I decided that I am going to have to screen in the patio before next summer!!!
Siiting in a patio on a sunny spring day, after months & months & months of rain in Vancouver BC!
I was just on the patio watering flowers and pot tomatoes
Just on the patio, having a cup of tea and listening to the birds, still nice enough to have another get together this weekend.
This summer my husband invited 22 friends from work to BBQ and celebrate summer on our patio. The party went on for 27 hours straight! Good times, good food, but the day after was a couple of asprin and a jug of water!
We use our patio and BBQ all year round. We’ve even had the fire department show up as our neighbour smelled smoke and called before we started cooking!!
Sitting on a patio sipping Sangria in Jasper AB. Great view of the mountains and great company.
when my son graduated from high school, the deck was the main gathering place for family and friends…lots of great memories were made that weekend!
Although the city has gotten a couple of light snowfalls we still spent last weekend on the patio. Of course we dressed for the weather but with a roaring fire pit going, lots of food and beverages we spent time with friends sharing our upcoming plans for the Christmas holidays into the wee hours of the morning. We are still amased that the party did not move inside.
sitting on my patio ejoying a summer evening
Having friends over for a BBQ and watching the neighbours dogs sit by the edge of our property hoping to be invited!
patios is where we visit
my first gazebo, a 99$ special, was crushed in a sudden downpour. All I could do is watch, in horror.
i can remember when my son graduated from highschool all the family out on the deck celebrating with a big family bbq!!
Having meals on the deck with my grandchildren is always a favorite time.
I love having a late dinner on the patio with just hubby and me. A light wine, some tasty snacks, jazz music in the background and the fire pit blazing!
We had BBQ burgers tonight – it makes me think summer is a posibility again this year! Nothing like cooking on a BBQ on the deck. Our neighbours think we’re crazy but we love it.
a nice nite on the patio
Cooking on the deck in winter is always great fun.
I wish it was summer so I could enjoy my patio
We Barbeque year round but don’t have any furniture on the patio. My favourite is when the neighbourhood dogs and cats line up along the edge of the property to smell the cooking!
Having friends over for a BBQ on a summer nite.
Sitting on the deck with my friends on a hot summer’s eve
My most memorable occasions were receptions for my daughters weddings.
Would love an outdoor setting to help me chill whilst I am studying with uni.
last time i was on a patio was at a club where i met my gf of 1 year.
i haven’t not been on a patio since.